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Air bag replacement

Yahoo Message Number: 118480
Hi all
Just curious about my nearly 20 year old air bags on my 36' Intrigue. I notice when sitting for a week or so that the air pressure gauge is down to almost zero so obviously I have a (or several) air leaks in the system. I wondered if others have replaced their air bags or just how many years these things last. Thanks!
2000 Intrigue

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 118481
Another Steve wrote "Just curious about my nearly 20 year old air bags on my 36' Intrigue. I notice when sitting for a week or so that the air pressure gauge is down to almost zero so obviously I have a (or several) air leaks in the system. I wondered if others have replaced their air bags or just how many years these things last. Thanks!"

We also have a 36' Intrigue (2002). Replaced all 4 airbags in 2017 (16 years old). They were not discernably leaking but were showing signs of cracking and we didn't want to be on the road and have one fail.
Steve B, 2002 Intrigue #11382

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 118482
Where do I start to even find someone that can inspect/change our air bags?


2003 Allure 370 ISL #30914

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 118483
I replaced my air bags as they were looking pretty well cracked. They were not leaking, I could park two/three weeks with no change in height. I replaced since I travel in MX over the winters, and wanted to be sure this show stopper of an issue would be avoided.

2000 CC Allure 36' #30443
Wes Owens
2000 CC Allure 36' #30443
Full time, western US summer, Mexico 6 months over winter.

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 118484
Can you post your part numbers, front and rear?

Robert McClernon
2000 Intrigue 40

Robert McClernon
2000 Intrigue
40 one slide cummins 375

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 118485

I had my rear airbags replaced ~3 years ago do to a small pin hole leak in one bag. My 2000 Magna has four bags at the rear and I was having trouble keeping it level. I went to HWH, who furnished the leveling system, in Iowa, and had them check the entire system. They found the pin hole leak. After returning home, Colorado, I took it to a shop in Colorado Springs, where we ended up replacing all four. All the bags were showing signs of wear and they recommended replacing all while they had it apart. Since then I haven't had a problem with keeping it level but the air pressure for the brakes still goes to zero when the coach sits for several months. I've been told by a couple of shops that it's very difficult to find and stop small air leaks. If your interested in the shop that did my work, let me know and I will dig out my records.

2000 Magna

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 118486
Don, I live in Colorado and would be interested in the name of the shop in Colorado springs.


Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 118487
Does anyone know if dumping all the air on a level pad to lower the coach entrance is good or bad for the air bags. Bob 06 Intrigue 12047

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 118488
Bob, completely exhausting your airbags will not cause any kind of damage.

Dave Trotter
01 Intrigue 11215

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 118490
My air has been going down when we are parked for 1.5-2 weeks. The suspension was staying aired up, just loosing the pressure in the tanks so I when we would get ready to leave I would need to allow the engine to run about 15-20 minutes to get the air pressure up to a safe level for the brakes.

A few weeks ago while cleaning out the exhaust ports on the HWH air manifolds were mud dobbers had decided was a good place to build a nest, I decided it was a good time to trouble shoot the air leak. Using soapy water in a spay bottle I found a 1/4 supply line on the front tank that was leaking. I aired up the coach as high as it would go, put blocks between the frame and the house, then let the air totally out. With the house resting on the blocks I pulled the line from the fitting, cut off about 1/2", cleaned up the line about 1 1/2" and inserted it back in the fitting. Problem solved! Took me about an hour to trouble shoot and fix. Cost was my time only as no parts needed....

If you are loosing air out of your tanks, the problem is not the air bags, unless you have auto level turned on and a air bag leaking, it is lines to the supply tank.

Our coach is a 2003 42' Monaco Dynasty with tag, 10 air bags.


Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 118492
John not sure we
Here you are but if you're close to Tucson Olstrom Custom Coach will do you a great job. Eric is a real guru when it comes to our Country Coaches. He replaced my air bags on my previous coach and probably will on this one in the next couple of years. 8300 Valencia bldg 4 Tucson AZ 520-624-2024.

06 Magna 6622
Sweating to the oldies in AZ

Gary Glenn
Bright Idea RV LED Lights

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 118494
From years in the trucking experience, dropping your airbags should cause no problem unless there coated with road buildup or a hung up rock. When washing rig , wash airbags with a hose and give a good look for rock debris

Robert McClernon
2000 Intrigue
40 one slide cummins 375

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 118496
Someone asked about air bag part numbers and someone asked about where to have the work done. I have been using Colton Truck Terminal in Colton California for 15 years and they seem to know Country Coaches very well. They've done great work over the years.
The bag part numbers listed on my invoice are as follows for my 2002 Intrigue 36'.
Two # 90557256 7667 8195 and two # 9585. I'm guessing that the 4-digit 2nd number is just the last four digits of the other number. I remember calling all around to find the part numbers at the time, lots of guesses were made, and I was told by Country Coach, Kevin Waite, and others that in most cases you have to actually remove the bag to find the part number. That was a frustrating experience but I gave all the numbers I could round up to Colton Truck and they ordered the bags 2-weeks ahead of time, and then did the whole replacement while we waited since we were full-timing.
Good luck, Steve B, #11382

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 118498

Thanks for recommending Eric. I'd love to use him, but we are in Western NC and that would be quite a drive.


2003 Allure 370 ISL #30914

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 118500
The front bags are a Firestone FS-7667, rear Firestone FS-9585

However, those ended up being part numbers
front: W01 358-8195
rear: W01 358-9585

I did email with someone on this list who had a 2000 magna, and their
air bags were different.


2000 CC Allure 36' #30443
Currently in Santa Fe, NM
Wes Owens
2000 CC Allure 36' #30443
Full time, western US summer, Mexico 6 months over winter.

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 118506

You asked me where I had my air bags replaced in Colorado.

Rocky Mountain Spring and Suspension
70 Mount View Lane
Colorado Springs, CO. 80907


2000 Magna #5854

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 118531
We have a 2007 intrigue and replaced the airbags in the spring of 2019. I think replacing airbags is a function of miles and time. In our case, we had 1 airbag leaking and several air controllers leaking. When parked and leveled (we live in our coach several months a year), the air pump would come on for 45-60 seconds every hour or so. If left parked without leveling, the coach would list several inches overnight. This caused a problem that may have contributed to our windshield cracking (twice). We had Josam in Orlando replace our airbags and they did a great job. For our coach (and likely for yours) the OEM airbags originally installed weren't made any more so they had to cross reference (manually by comparing specifications) with current airbags. They did a great job and we've had no problems since replacement (approximately 10,000 miles). Hope this helps.

Jim and Jona Seifert

2007 Country Coach Intrigue Ovation 530 42'
Coach #12150
525 Cat C13 Allison 6spd
Toads: 2014 Ford F150 / 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser w/ REMCO DS Disconnect.
Airforce 1 Brake system
Blue Ox Aventa II Towbar
Jim and Jona Seifert
2007 Intrigue 530

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 118532
That's great news about Josam's in Orlando. We are taking our 2003 Magna to them on Sept. 23 for 10 new air bags, new Koni shocks, air dryer service and front end alignment. They have a great reputation and quoted me what I think is a very fair price for a lot of work. I have heard air bags can last a long long time time but being a rubber product that is subject to a fair amount of heavy use/work I feel they should be replaced after 15 years of use. Better now on my terms than later on the side of the road out in the middle of nowhere.

Re: Air bag replacement

Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 118533
Yes very helpful...thanks Jim. Think I will replace them as a maintenance/preventative measure due to its age.
2000 Intrigue