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New Member needs help.

Yahoo Message Number: 97740

Hello Everyone,

My name is George Magee,

I just purchased a 2006 40' Country Coach Inspire Genoa 360, vin: 7K6ES1261104975, 400hp Cat c9.
Driving it home to Phoenix from Tucson (130 miles)was a somewhat terrifying experience. The coach wandered all over the road above 50 mph (not a windy day) requiring constant steering adjustment and not a second to relax. I spoke with the selling dealer and they assured me they had checked the air pressure and done an alignment then test drove it and everything was fine. This morning I spoke with a local RV repair shop and was told a caster adjustment($240) would most likely fix the problem, this sounds like a reasonable solution but I'm not sure. I don't mind spending the $240 if this will fix the problem but not if it's just a waste of money.
I just got the shop report from the RV Dealer that had the alignment done on my coach 4 days before I took delivery. I have a 2006 Country Coach with a DynoMax Chassis, the shop report used the spec's for a Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp: 1995: XB/XC/Powerline Chassis with/ Independent Front Suspension.
Is this correct?

Is DynoMax made by Freightliner?

I have the work order from the alignment shop but can't seem to attach it.

I would appreciate any feed back.

Thanks George

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 97741
Welcome George,

when we purchased our 04 Allure it too wandered. We took it to a truck chassis shop who set the "toe-in" on the right side. Every year or two we have to have the toe-in reset. That helped a lot.
Another thing is the ride height specs. Country Coach factory has them. We stopped by the factory and had them check our ride height. We wrote down the specs and keep them with us.
Please provide your coach number in your posts. That will help us. Also where are you located so we can point you to shops that are familiar with Country Coach rigs.

Have you called Country Coach yet?

Country Coach Corporation - Motorhome Factory, Service Center, RV Parts
Country Coach Corporation - Motorhome Factory, Servic... Country Coach factory service center, motorhome sales, and parts for Magna, Allure, Affinity, Rhapsody, Tribute and Prevost. Located in Junction City, Oregon.
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Lonny & Diane Livingston
Tampa, FL

'04 Allure #31065

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 97742
DynoMax was made only by Country Coach so Freightliner specs would not work.

Lee (leozbrowski@...) President, CCI

2007 Country Coach Intrigue 12153
CAT C-13

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 97744
Good luck with this issue. A lot of it deals with your expectations and driving experience. It seems many notes have been written on this issue on different forums. I have been dealing with it for many years. It seems running air pressure higher than recommended for your weight (still below the max of 120 psi), trying to get more weight to the front (based on weighing the 4 corners),ride height adjustment and finally a true alignment by someone that understands your coach. After 2 different shops worked on alignment, I'm scheduled into Josam's in Orlando, Fl this month to see if they can help with a total coach laser alignment . This is after new Mich tires and new Koni SP3 shocks which have helped.

Buddy 06 Inspire 360 Cat C9 51887

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 97745
$240 is too much. It only cost me $140 for an alignment on my Intrigue. Toe adjustment is the main thing that affects wander. The toe should be set 1/8" toe in.


Intrigue 11836

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 97749
George, congratulations on the purchase of your Country Coach, I own a 2005 Inspire 330 #51264. I had the same problem with road wandering and passing semi handling issues. All your handling issues can be resolved but it will require addressing several areas.

First set your tire pressures correctly according to your tire manufactures weight/chart recommendations. To do this correctly, you will need to have your actual loaded coach corner weights determined. Proper tire inflation is important. If your tires are original you MUST get them replaced for safety reasons. I'm partial to the Michelins but there other good tire brands out there. As previously stated, your ride height must be correctly set prior to alignment. As mentioned, your chassis was made by Country Coach. I have the alignment & ride height specifications for my coach which I can send to you if you would like. I don't know if your spec's are the same as mine. The best place to get your alignment done is at a good heavy duty truck alignment shop. Increasing the toe in from the recommended 1/32 to 1/8 will help considerably. If you have the Koni adjustable shocks (red) on your coach they are adjustable. You need to set them to their highest level. This information is available on the Koni websight. The next thing I would address is your anti sway bar. I recommend you replace the sway bar mounting bushings as will as upgrade your end link bushings to HD polyurethane bushings from Energy Suspension Systems. They can make you custom HD bushings at a very fair price. Lastly, if you are still not totally happy with the handling of your coach I would suggest adding SteerSafe stabilizer to your coach. I have done all of the above to my coach and it now handles very well in my opinion. Good Luck, Ron Jacobs 2005 Inspire #51264 P.S. I have done many other updates and improvements to my coach which I would be happy to discuss with you if you are interested.

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 97752

Any shop that used Freightliner specs on your Country Coach are complete f-------g idiots. Find another place. Try Premier in Tucson.

Rich 2002 Magan

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 97753

Do you know anyone good in Phoenix?

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 4:31 PM, "RICHARD BARLOW rich_barlow@... [Country-Coach-Owners]" wrote:

[font="Calibri"] Lonny,

Any shop that used Freightliner specs on your Country Coach are complete f-------g idiots. Find another place. Try Premier in Tucson.

Rich 2002 Magan


Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 97754
What are the current specs on your alignment, camber, caster and toe in?


Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 97755
As all have stated there are several things that can be done to improve that. On my 2005 CC inspire it already had the Koni adjustable shocks updated and new bushings on sway bar. BUT I ran it across a CAT scale and got axle weights I was surprised to find that I was maxed out on the rear axle. The people doing the service prior to me getting it put 90psi in the rears because that's what most people liked. I upped them to 105 and it changed dramatically. It no longer felt like the back end was pushing the front in the opposite direction. I could then relax and enjoy the ride. We still need the 4 corners weighed and are planning a trip to do so. Most of the bigger truck stops in that area can do axle weights and it may help yours too. Have fun and be safe.

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 97756
HI Geoge,

I just bought a 1998 Intrigue 40' 350 HP also with the Dynomax chassis. We bought it off Ebay from a dealer outside the Phoenix area. We drove it home to MN in May. The Coach wondered from center line to left edge of the road also requiring constant correction with the same "cant take my eye's off the wheel and road for a second" experience. After about 2k miles f this I finally had time to bring it to a "TRUCK front end shop" in Rapid City who exclusively worked on semi-tractor front ends. 2 men worked on it for 2.5 hours, adjusted Caster and toe-in, then rotated the front tires to even out wear. (They also made sure the steering wheel was straight too) for this and more I was charged $175 and considered that a gift compared to what labor charges are in Minneapolis.

Since then it has been quite easy and more relaxing to drive.
I would suggest the dealer you bought it from pay for another check following the correct spec's. You paid for it to be done correctly already. ( a quick trip after an alignment to report it drove OK, because it didn't go into the ditch" is not an adequate test on a vehicle like this) it takes miles to get used to how it handles and do a propper hands off the wheel test.

I would also try to bring it to a Truck shop, that does this exclusively and is set up for front end alignments rather than an RV dealer.. A call around may provide a better price.


98 CC intrigue, "Cooks delight" 40' Cummins 350HP , 50k miles that gets very decent mileage..

---In, wrote :

Hello Everyone,

My name is George Magee,

I just purchased a 2006 40' Country Coach Inspire Genoa 360, vin: 7K6ES1261104975, 400hp Cat c9.
Driving it home to Phoenix from Tucson (130 miles)was a somewhat terrifying experience. The coach wandered all over the road above 50 mph (not a windy day) requiring constant steering adjustment and not a second to relax. I spoke with the selling dealer and they assured me they had checked the air pressure and done an alignment then test drove it and everything was fine. This morning I spoke with a local RV repair shop and was told a caster adjustment($240) would most likely fix the problem, this sounds like a reasonable solution but I'm not sure. I don't mind spending the $240 if this will fix the problem but not if it's just a waste of money.
I just got the shop report from the RV Dealer that had the alignment done on my coach 4 days before I took delivery. I have a 2006 Country Coach with a DynoMax Chassis, the shop report used the spec's for a Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp: 1995: XB/XC/Powerline Chassis with/ Independent Front Suspension.
Is this correct?

Is DynoMax made by Freightliner?

I have the work order from the alignment shop but can't seem to attach it.

I would appreciate any feed back.

Thanks George

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 97757
S/N 51639, is this the number you are referring? I live in Phoenix, AZ. I called and emailed Country Coach yesterday but they have not yet responded. Thank you for your input.

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 12:53 PM, "sdlivingston48@... [Country-Coach-Owners]" wrote:

Welcome George,

when we purchased our 04 Allure it too wandered. We took it to a truck chassis shop who set the "toe-in" on the right side. Every year or two we have to have the toe-in reset. That helped a lot.
Another thing is the ride height specs. Country Coach factory has them. We stopped by the factory and had them check our ride height. We wrote down the specs and keep them with us.
Please provide your coach number in your posts. That will help us. Also where are you located so we can point you to shops that are familiar with Country Coach rigs.

Have you called Country Coach yet?

Country Coach Corporation - Motorhome Factory, Service Center, RV Parts
Country Coach Corporation - Motorhome Factory, Servic... Country Coach factory service center, motorhome sales, and parts for Magna, Allure, Affinity, Rhapsody, Tribute and Prevost. Located in Junction City, Oregon.
View on

Lonny & Diane Livingston
Tampa, FL

'04 Allure #31065

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 97759

I have a 40' 2005 Inspire 360 #51486. I would be interested in your upgrades since I have had my coach for about a year. Two things I am currently interested in: a dish washer and a camera system. I have not search the forum yet, but will tonight.




Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 97760
1/8 is the minimum, as toe decreases as the unit rolls due to geometry. Any play in steeering components can lessen toe upon movement. I typically use 1/4" which winds up to be about an eight when rolling.


Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 97763

I know that you are in Phoenix already, but I suggest that you contact Eric Oldstrum at Premier RV in Tucson. We bought our 2006 Inspire from them in January 2013 and since then have put approx 9500 miles on it with no problems. Erik gave us some excellent tips wrt driving techniques, as well he has unlimited knowledge about these coaches. Our coach has RoadKing shocks which I don't think it came from the factory with, again suggest calling Erik 520-624-2024. Good Luck cheers Gerry and Penny Bayles
2006 Inspire 360

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 97765
At least for a baseline he wants a full alignment, toe is the setting that moves most often requiring and requiring adjustment. However the reason the other adjustments are not done most often is they either don't have the equipment to make the adjustment, solid axles, or don't have the knowledge to perform them.
As far as only paying $140 if all they do is toe that should be fair, but for a full alignment that checks the entire chassis more work equals more $$$$. My little convertible with 4 wheel independent was $160 to align and took over 2 hours to get it done completely and correctly.


They say wine improves with age! As I enter my golden years, I say age improves with wine! The Born Loser

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 97768
I am sorry, I do not know a place in Phoenix, but I am sure someone here does.

Rich 2002 Magna

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 97771
George, here are the Country Coach spec's for Ride Height starting on page 96 and the Front End Alignment specs page 111.

Thanks, Mike 03 Allure 1st Ave. #30898

Re: New Member needs help. [1 Attachment]

Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 97776
Thank you Mike

On Thursday, October 2, 2014 4:34 AM, "paparn@... [Country-Coach-Owners]" wrote:

[Attachment(s) from paparn@... [Country-Coach-Owners] included below] George, here are the Country Coach spec's for Ride Height starting on page 96 and the Front End Alignment specs page 111.

Thanks, Mike 03 Allure 1st Ave. #30898

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 97787
You should call Country Coach in Junction City, Oregon and get the alignment specs for your coach. Sounds like the alignment shop didn't get the proper specs.


2000 Intrigue 11040

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 97788

I have not installed a dishwasher or camera upgrade in my coach.
I HAVE replaced my two tv's with new HD LED sets. Installed Blue Tooth audio in the coach living area as well as the in dash system when on the road. I have also replaced the carpet with engineered hardwood and made a counter slide extension for added counter work space. I also added a USB charge port These are the primary upgrades/improvements I have dons.

2005 Inspire #51264

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 97794
I spent $2k at camping world on a 3 camera/7" monitor and a tire monitoring system. The camera does left side/right side with the turn signals as well as back up. The camera can keep any of those cameras on via the buttons. Price was $1400 with installation.
The tire monitor is for 10 tires. It gives temperature/air pressure on the coach as well as the cadillac SRX that I tow. That was $600 installed. Money well spent.

John & Carol Jones

2001 Country Coach Allure-32'

Re: New Member needs help.

Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 97803
Thank you RJ and John Jones. I will take a look at the camera system from Camping World.
