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Gas struts.

Yahoo Message Number: 85744
I need some help finding replacement struts for my basement doors. Thing is I've taken one to the various auto supply stores and there are millions to choose from. I'm confused!!! Again!!! Store computers can't match the numbers on the strut.
We have a 2001 Intrigue. There are two sizes. I need the longer ones.
Any help pointing me to what and where would be appreciated.
I prefer to walk into a store than mail order.



2001 Intrigue #11278

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 85750

Feel free to contact me if you are still in need of these Gas Struts

Kevin Waite (Former Country Coach Service Tech. & Owner) K&M Mobile RV Reapir LLC
95430 Noraton Rd.

Junction City, OR. 97448
541-953-6162 (Cell)


Re: Gas struts.

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 85753
Kevin It only took 26 minutes for you to answer, so he probably still needs them since it is Sunday. You could have posted offline!! Bruce -any of the Former Techs could supply you with the struts and I would encourage the other techs to respond OFFLINE. JDRV 541-306-6473, Eric Olstrom at Premier RV Service 520-661-8914, or Chris Snyder at 520-665-1014 are 3 that come to mind. Dave Rousey , Bob Vincent and others can also provide these struts. Bruce if you need some other numbers , email offline

Ron Baran 09 Magna 7025

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 85754
That is a great sample of the timely and excellent service Kevin gives to all of us on this Yahoo Country Coach group.


2004 Insire

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 85756

I did initially try to email Bruce offline but his email was bounced back as undeliverable so that is why I posted here instead, I do try to post offline as much as possible unless the Owners personal email address does not work. We former CC Techs. are really only here to help when needed.


Re: Gas struts.

Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 85758
And WE thank you Kevin. I can speak for the majority of us when I tell you we really need and appreciate the service you and the other techs provide.

00 Allure 30555

Charles McGairty

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 85761
Kevin, would you please tell us again when you're going to be at Bruce's spot? We'll be traveling through that area in March. Thank you for all the help you've given to us.

Mike and Mary Frederick
06 Inspire 51784

And WE thank you Kevin. I can speak for the majority of us when I tell you we really need and appreciate the service you and the other techs provide.

00 Allure 30555

Charles McGairty

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 85770
Just so it is clear to a certain handful of member-owners, there are other techs to support, other than Kevin Waite. All the others mentioned , and more, need to be supported, yet they didn't respond on-line. Why should Kevin get all the business ? You will note that they don't answer these queries on- line.

Ron Baran 09 Magna 7025

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 85771
Wow, Ron, CHILL OUT!! I really hope, for your sake, that the day doesn't come when you need assistance from some of the former techs. If I were in their shoes, and you made a plea for assistance, I would tell you to call the factory.

S. Brandt, '06 Intrigue, 11964

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 85773
All I wanted was information on gas struts. Not start a verbal war.
Kevin has helped me in the past. He and any other person, be they in the business or not, are an asset we all should grasp seeing we all own orphans. Do we take this further and dismiss any comments from former tire techs? How about electrical techs? Or any other 'pro' that may want to help us?
As far as I know there is no compulsion to read every post. I guess none of us need help from pros until we need help. Then do we refuse to accept help from those who offer it?

Now how about my gas struts?


2001 Intrigue #11278

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 85781
That is probably because they feel that they may feel the wrath of the "forum police (AKA Ron Baron)".
Ron, why don't you get a life and let the rest of us decide what we want to read and/or hear about?


'06 Inspire 51905

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 85785

You have given me good advice in the past as indeed have others, on or offline, I am in the UK so there are not many sources of help and advice on Yankee coaches here. Kevin has been the main one who has chimed in on several occasions and has therefore "got my business" because he did make an effort to help and not only that had answers. Sometimes he did not know and gave me a name elsewhere. I do not want to expand this already heated debate and whilst I see your point of view, it might be better to turn down the volume, to retain goodwill from some of the techs for ALL of us. As they say be careful whose hands you tread on climbing the ladder, you never know who you will meet on the way down?



2008 Allure 31683

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 85786
We know there are other techs and we don't need you pointing it out. Enough of the bullying.

Gil B

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 85791

Here is a link to the company that made the Dampers/Gas shocks for my coach. I think you can order on line; I usually call and order. You can get the numbers off the existing shocks and order if you can not fine a retail store that has them. If you can not find the numbers on the shock I can go look at mine and let you know. I carry spares and I think there are three different numbers/sizes counting the one on the entry door.
Some of the excellent techs on this site that serve us also carry them.
Richard Aquino
2001 Intrigue

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 85793

I got mine from RV Designer, 800.989.5883/

#23, length 20"?/40 lbs.

Hope this helps.


05 Inspire #51381

**************************************** Michael Title

Halfmoon Bay, BC, Canada
CDN Cell: 604.741.3328

San Miguel De Allende, GTO Mexico MEX Cell: [52] 415.100.1543

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 85795

I will gladly accept emails/phone calls on issues I bring up on this board from any of the "many" techs that you have in mind. Thus far, only Kevin has taken the time to do that for me so I, too, am very appreciative of Kevin taking the time to offer his time to help me with an issue. Even when he is not able to provide the needed part he has given me suggestions on possibly solutions which do not involve any profit for him. I am not promoting his services but I do appreciate his help and as others have stated, his public postings help all of us. Private posting wouldn't be as helpful except to the one individual he emails privately. I appreciate his public postings and hope that he is allowed to continue to do that. Other techs are welcome as well, as far as I am concerned.


2000 Intrigue 11040

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 85799
Hi Bruce, You might try "" then select gas struts. They have very good info on how to select replacement struts. Also you may want to look at "". I have SPD-GS-5300-90 struts on my 03 Intrigue, but when I checked their web site I could not find those particular struts, you could probably email them and find out if they have an exact replacement. Hope this helps you.

Earl Densten

03 Intrigue 11554

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 85801
FYI, SPD has models that have a plastic lock on them such that you can lock them open if you wish.

Gary 03 Intrigue #11509

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 85805
X2. I have purchased all my struts from The locking strut was a great add to my engine compartment hatch cover. Their prices are quite competitive to the shelf stockers.


95 Magna 5280

Re: Gas struts.

Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 85811
Jim, my thoughts exactly. What good is an online search capability if all the responses were offline?


99' Magna #5629