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Topic: Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5 (Read 606 times) previous topic - next topic
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Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5

Yahoo Message Number: 49044
CC Family,

I needed to replace my Front tires and due to time issues and the fact I could not find any G670 Goodyear tires I installed the Michelin XZA's. It seems these tires are a TON louder with road hum. Is this my imagination or has anyone else experienced this problem. Also, the Michelins seem like they are stiffer at the same recomended 125psi.

Thanking you in advance,

Fred Dirla 2007 Intrigue 12173...

Re: Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 49049
Stiff ride not a surprise at 125 lbs. Max front axle weight is 9000 lbs. and with that kind of weight, yes, the tires would be inflated at 125 lbs. Like a loaded dump truck.
With the 100 degree temp your probably over 140 lbs when they get hot. Probably feels like your going down the road sitting on a park bench ! 105-110 lbs should be just fine -cold.
It's just a suggestion...and my please , please lets not do another marathon tire pressure event.

00 affinity #5851

Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy recipes for the grill.

Re: Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 49050
Many years ago I worked for a company in Texas. We did over 600 American coach tire and suspension recalls. During this time I learned a little trick. If you have your coach weighed at individual axles you can go by the tire manufacturers inflation recommendation chart to get the longest life, safety and best ride from your tires. I have added the link to the Michelin tire chart for tire inflation. This will tell you what the recommended cold inflation is for your coaches individual axle weights. Remember that when you have the coach weighed make sure that it is loaded as if you were doing your normal traveling.i.e.full fuel, full fresh water, full LP and all your gear.
In addition to giving you a tool for proper inflation. Weighing your coach will also tell you if you might need to rearrange you personnel gear in the bays to get the best even distribution of the load for safety and comfort of handling.
These charts are available from all tire manufacturers. If you have other than Michelin tires and need help finding this info just give us a call we can point you to the correct place.
Hope this helps answer some of the questions.
Have safe and happy travels. JD

Thank You John (JD) Davis

RV Parts, Service & Support
La pine Or. jd@...

Re: Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 49053
Thanks John and Al...The pressure thing makes sense, especially since the Michelins are rated 580lbs more than the Goodyear at the same assuming (I can't easily get the coach weighed) I use the 125lb that the Goodyears used, I need to lower the Michelins to 122psi, but I will keep playing until I can get weighed.
My BIGGER concern is the road hum. The Goodyears seemed to run a LOT quieter.

Fred 2007 Intrigue 12173

Re: Michelin vs Goodyear 315/80 R22.5

Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 49054

Thanks JD for all your posting and good info. Mickey